May 02 , 2022
How to stop smoking tobacco in just 12 weeks!
Once you commit to yourself that you want to quit smoking, you have won half the battle. Most people don’t try to quit because they think it’s too hard. Well, it is true in a way, quitting tobacco smoking is a very difficult task. It takes considerable willpower and a strong mindset to achieve your goal of being smoke-free. There are multiple strategies for breaking your addiction to cigarette smoking. It depends on your which method you choose to discontinue smoking. Although, ending your smoking habit will not happen instantly, but if you have the dedication you can quit smoking.
Why Smoking is so addictive?
Nicotine in cigarettes is responsible for the kick of pleasure & Wellbeing. Nicotine is not hazardous, but tobacco also contains other plenty of harmful and cancer inducing substances which are ingested as tar. Nicotine is a highly addictive substance, and this addictive quality is the cause of the continuing use of tobacco products. Nicotine, when smoked from cigarettes and inhaled, is quickly absorbed in the lungs.
Inhaled nicotine reaches the brain within 8 seconds. In the brain, nicotine acts on nicotinic receptors and immediately stimulates the release of chemical messengers that produce a feel-good effect. This feel-good effect reduces as the amount of nicotine decreases in the brain, which then triggers an urge in the smoker to light another cigarette, making it a hard chain to break. The brain seeks the feel-good effect regularly, thereby making smoking a habit.
Understanding the withdrawal symptoms in quit smoking?
One of the main reasons smokers keep smoking is nicotine. Nicotine is a chemical in cigarettes that makes you addicted to smoking. Over time, your body gets used to having nicotine. However, the more you smoke, the more nicotine you need to feel normal. When your body doesn’t get nicotine, you may feel uncomfortable and crave cigarettes. This is called withdrawal.
Most withdrawal symptoms begin within the first 1-2 days, peak in first week and last for 3-4 weeks. Listed are a few withdrawal symptoms:
Difficulty in concentrating
Craving for smoking
Increased hunger
Impaired performance
Nicotine Replacement Therapy
NRT is one of the most successful tools for treating smoking addiction. It consists of several quitting tools such as gums, patches, lozenges, inhalers, and sprays. They provide you the required nicotine supply which keeps you away from smoking. It is seen that people who use any form of NRT are more successful in quitting the smoking habit.
Nicotine Patches:
Nicotine patch therapy is one of the best ways NRT offers to quit smoking. A nicotine patch is a transdermal patch that releases nicotine into the body through the skin. It is used as an aid in NRT, a process for smoking cessation. When you apply the nicotine patch to your skin it starts to absorb the nicotine which later enters your blood. This nicotine released by the patch will suppress the smoking urges keeping you away from cigarettes.
2baconil’s nicotine patches are very effective and easy-to-use quit smoking aid. They are available in different strengths. 7 mg, 14 mg, and 21 mg are the patch strength you can buy. You can easily buy the nicotine patch from the pharmacies and can also order online to save time.
Follow these techniques for nicotine patches to work effectively
Wear the patch on your chest or high on your arm.
Put on a new patch after 24 hours. If you have trouble sleeping or have disturbing dreams, remove the patch before you go to bed and put on a new one first thing when you wake up.
No need to change your daily routine – with the patch, you can shower, swim and enjoy all your favorite physical activities. Side effects may include redness and soreness under the patch. To help reduce side effects, you should change the location of the patch each day.
Benefits of using patches
Is available in various doses without a prescription.
Is easy to use.
Can control nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms for 24 hours at a time.
Can be used in combination with other quit-smoking aids.
Can be gradually tapered off as your cravings and withdrawal symptoms decrease.
Nicotine Gums:
Nicotine gum is a type of chewing gum that delivers nicotine to the body. It is used as an aid in nicotine replacement therapy. It helps you to manage the nicotine cravings keeping you off cigarettes. They are available in a couple of different strengths 2 mg and 4 mg.
Follow these techniques for nicotine gum to work effectively
To release nicotine from the gum, bite a piece until it has a peppery taste, or you notice a tingly sensation in your mouth.
To let the nicotine, absorb, hold the gum between your gum-line and cheek until the taste or tingly sensation stops.
To release more nicotine, bite and hold again
Repeat the cycle for about 30 minutes, then discard the gum because all the nicotine in it has been used.
Benefits of nicotine gum
Is available without a prescription in two doses — 2 mg or 4 mg. Can control the sudden nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms that you might experience while using other quit-smoking medications.
Reasons you should quit smoking tobacco
Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health and for the health of your loved ones
You will look better and have more energy.
Tobacco stains will fade from your teeth, nails, and hands.
You will have more money in your pocket.
You will be free from having to find a place to smoke.
You will never have to worry about running out of cigarettes.
The smell of cigarettes will fade from your clothes, car, and home.
You will set a good example for your children and others.
NRT generally lasts two to three months. After this period the dose can be reduced gradually. The idea is to let the body get used to being without nicotine so that you don’t suffer withdrawal symptoms.NRT not helps you to quit smoking but also helps you to overcome nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Start with NRT and put an end to your smoking habit in just 12 weeks to live a tobacco-free life.
Looking to make a permanent change? Quit today.