Mar 07 , 2022
How does a nicotine patch work?
Tobacco smoking is one of the most significant public health issues worldwide. Nicotine, the primary addictive substance in tobacco, contributes to the development of addiction and other harmful health effects. Fortunately, various smoking cessation products are available to help individuals quit smoking and overcome nicotine addiction. From nicotine patches and gums to prescription medications, these products offer viable options for those seeking to improve their health and quality of life.
Due to the potential health risks and high likelihood of addiction associated with nicotine-containing products, people are increasingly searching for ways to reduce their nicotine intake. One popular method for reducing nicotine dependence is nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). The nicotine patch is one of the most widely used types of NRT due to its ease of use and effectiveness.
Nicotine patches come in three strengths - 7mg, 14mg, and 21mg - with the appropriate dosage depending on the individual's smoking habits. Heavy smokers typically benefit from starting with the 21mg nicotine patch, while lighter smokers may do well with a medium-strength patch. If you smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day, use 2baconil - 21mg Nicotine Patch for the first month. If you smoke less than 20 cigarettes per day, use 2baconil - 14mg Nicotine Patch for the first month; if you smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day, use 2baconil patch14mg for the second month. If you smoke less than 20 cigarettes per day, use 2baconil patch 7mg for the third month. It is recommended to wear only one patch at a time unless advised otherwise by a healthcare professional.
The nicotine transdermal patch is a type of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) designed to provide a steady stream of nicotine throughout the day and night. The patch works by delivering a continuous, small dose of nicotine through the skin, gradually reducing dependence on the substance. The patch is easy to use and discreet, making it a convenient option for those with powerful morning cravings, those looking for a low-effort solution, and those in need of a discreet option.
The nicotine patch is designed to help reduce dependence on nicotine by gradually reducing the amount of nicotine delivered to the body. This option may be particularly helpful for individuals who experience:
- Strong cravings for nicotine in the morning,
- Prefer a method that is easy to apply and requires no active effort
- Desire a discreet and effective solution.
Typically, the patch is worn for a full day, including during activities such as showering or bathing. To use the nicotine patch correctly, it is recommended to apply a new patch to clean the skin each morning and wear it continuously for 24 hours. If vivid nightmares or sleep disturbances occur, the patch can be removed before bedtime and re-applied the following morning.
To use the nicotine transdermal patch, it is important to follow a few key steps:
First, choose the correct strength of the patch based on the amount of nicotine you consume through smoking or chewing tobacco. Three strengths are available: a low-dosage patch of 7mg nicotine/24 hours, a medium-strength patch of 14mg nicotine/24 hours, and a high-dosage patch of 21mg nicotine/24 hours.
Select an appropriate location on the upper body, such as the inner or upper arm, shoulder, back, or upper chest, to apply the patch. Avoid applying the patch to skin that is inflamed, oily, scarred, or otherwise compromised. Apply the patch immediately after removing it from the foil packaging and peeling off the protective strips, ensuring that it adheres securely to the skin.
After applying the patch, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water to remove any nicotine that may have come into contact with your fingers.
Take note - To prevent skin irritation, apply the patch to a different part of your upper body each day, and avoid placing the patch in the same location more than once per week. If the patch becomes loosened or comes off, replace it with a fresh one.
If intense cravings persist, the patch can be used in combination with nicotine gum or lozenges. While gum or lozenges can provide more rapid relief for cravings as they occur, patches can deliver a consistent dose of nicotine to the body to help reduce withdrawal symptoms. If withdrawal symptoms persist even with the use of the patch, gum or lozenges can be added to the treatment plan. When changing the patch, carefully remove the old one, fold it in half with the sticky sides touching, and dispose of it before applying a fresh patch to an alternative area of the upper body.
India's first-ever nicotine transdermal patch, 2baconil, is a trusted and recommended option for those looking to quit smoking. With 2baconil, you have several options to choose the right nicotine patch for you. It releases remedial nicotine to the body steadily over 24 hours, with the dose gradually decreasing over a 12-week period. These patches are not only safe and effective but also pocket-friendly, making them an excellent option for those looking to reduce their nicotine dependence.